Bethany Social Service Trust® Bendur, Mangalore organized Christmas get together programme at Sahodaya Bethany Social Service Centre, Bendur, Mangalore at 11.00am on 22.12.2021.

The programme began with a short prayer service along with lighting the Diya conducted by Shubadha Centre, Suralpady. Students from St Sebastian School, Bendur performed a prayer dance. Christmas carol was enacted by the students of St Joseph Hr Pry School, Kankanady. Sr Rose Celine BS, the Superior General of Bethany Congregation and President of Bethany Social Service Trust in her Christmas message applauded Sr Shanthi Priya BS, the director of Sahodaya Social Service centre along with Sr Leena DCosta BS, the coordinator and the Social work personnel from different centres for reaching out the poor and the needy people during the time of Covid-19 pandemic specially the migrants. She expressed her anguish at the flight of the marginalized, the poor, the women and the oppressed classes of the society. She made a note of the various unlawful legislations of the Government which affect the farmers, the minority communities in the state as wells as the country. She invited the social work animators to take collective action to fight against these situations as well as Human trafficking. She expressed the joy of Christmas by carving the cake.

On the occasion of Fr Founder RFC Mascarenhas 61st death anniversary, Sr Lillitta BS one of the Trustee of Bethany Social Service Trust garlanded the photo of Fr Founder. The prayers were offered for the departed soul. The staff of Jeevanndhara Social Service Trust echoed a Christmas carol on the occasion. Few of the spot games were conducted by Sr Herita BS from Shubadha Centre, Suralpady. The winners were awarded with prizes.





















Sr Shanthi Priya BS the Director of Sahodaya welcomed the guests as well as the participants. Sr Leena DCosta thanked all for their presence and participation. Sr Lavisha BS from Jeeevandhara Trust, Kulshekar compeered the day’s programme. Christmas Papa cheered the participants with Christmas carols, dance and sweets. Sr Lillis BS and Sr Mariette BS the other trustees of Bethany Social Service Trust along with Sr Voilet DSouza BS the treasurer of the Trust participated in the programme. Sr Anitha Shanthi, the Superior of Bethany Convent, Bendur, Sr Cleopha the administrator, the staff of St Sebastian and St Joseph Schools, staff of Bethany Education Society along with few sisters from Bethany Generalate and Bethany Mother House attended the programme. The staff of various Social work centres were part of this celebration. The Christmas meal was served at the end of the programme. Sr Anitha Shanthi prayed the grace before meals. The programme was winded at 1.30pm.

Report by;
Sr Anna Maria BS
Secretary, Jeevandhara SST, Mangalore


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Sahodaya Bethany Seva Kendra

Phone: 0824-2214156

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